Now for the bad news. Agnes complained that the Miscellaneous Report-Final VAT Report is inconsistent with the "FINAL VAT Detailed Collection report per pay type". Particularly with the Oct. 2, 2007 Final VAT remittance of Account # 32780 (168 Victoria Square). I was at a loss why the report was not seeing the 2 payment details for that single O.R., and had spent several minutes looking for the problem on the query statement when I noticed my Payment Editor that the bill_no_id fields for the 2 "invisible" details was too high (>7,000,000) particularly because the bill_no was for the month of August 2007 and the bill_no_id for the 3rd detail was only in the 2,200,000 range and that was for Sept 2007! So I merely corrected the bill_no_id and the bill_date (which contained the "current" date for that posting - 10/02/2007 - instead of the real bill_date which is 08/14/2007).
I'll have to do experiments on this to catch the bug. Low priority, though.