Original ROM:
PDA: B7610NXXIL1 (IL1 = 2009/December rev. 1)
WinMo 6.5 Professional
CE OS 5.2.21868 (Build 21868.5.0.69)
Windows Mobile 6.5
Processor: ARM1176 ...
PDA: B7610NXXJC2 (JC2 = 2010/March rev. 2)
WinMo 6.5 Professional
CE OS 5.2.23568 (Build 23658.5.5.0)
(Windows Mobile 6.5.5)
Changes I loved:
- Quicker contact search -- upon entering Samsung Phonebook, I can type letters and it will start searching matching names. With 6.5, I need to press the SEARCH button first before typing.
Changes I hated:
- The Wi-Fi radio would occasionally NOT TURN ON, as if the transmitter got disconnected from the electronics :(
- Sometimes the unit will not wake up from LOCKED state, and I need to soft-reset it by poking the reset button on the side. I am convinced, after reading this link, that Opera is the culprit.
Last week, after I charged the phone while tethered via USB-cable to my laptop almost all day, I went to the mall, and I couldn't make the Wi-Fi activate! After soft-resetting it 9 times (!!!) I eventually got to make it activate.
Then I read yesterday from Modaco that one user was loving the Giorgio Armani ROM on his B7610 because the Wi-Fi wasn't dying anymore. He mentioned that he was having Wi-Fi issues in ALL JC2 ROMs, but I think the issue was with WinMo 6.5.5 (and possible 6.5.3), because the GA B7620 ROM was based on 6.5 JC2, and so far, so good, I've downgraded my PDA ROM with it. :)
But now I have to press the Search button when selecting contacts. :(
Oh, and the Opera comatose problem is still here. :(