Thursday, April 19, 2007


April 18, 2007:

13:12 for DPP:
update consumer_connection set current_status=0 where consumer_connection_id=44564;
update consumer_connection set current_status=1 where consumer_connection_id=45853;
update consumer_connection set account_no_id=44532,meter_information_id=44564 where consumer_connection_id=100034403;

13:29 for RAJE:
update meter_lup set demand_multiplier=multiplier where demand_multiplier=0

for Soc:
0051402B deleted for Soc.

0004625B ??? (can't remember if I did something to this O.R., it just got pasted here. I'm retaining it for future reference)

0052583B change to 0052883B

April 19, 2007:

changed o.r. #611011443T to #0786455T
input 0786348T just to cancel

along with corresponding updates to payment_details_vat:
update payment_vat_summary set generation=-84.08 where payment_detail_id=1375817
update payment_vat_summary set distribution=-21.97,generation=-37.21,system_loss_gen=-4.96,transmission=-16.04,system_loss_trans=-2.44 where payment_detail_id=1375817

corrected several consecutive O.R.#'s for Soc. Whew! This one took much time!

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