Saturday, May 5, 2007

Infotext project

Finally, I was able to inform ~ 1100 subscribers about a scheduled power interruption on May 3...

Some of them replied with thanks, some of them are just so darn intellectually challenged and some are just plain rude...

Note that Garbes/Globe sold them the SIM Cards when they paid their bills at our office.

Here are some funny and not so funny responses when I sent an introductory message saying something similar to "This is the SFELAPCO Txtline, we will use it to inform you of scheduled power interruptions, etc.":

"Hus dis pls,dong?"

"Hu u"

"H0w did u trace my #?"

"Cno po cla?"

"Who u bt u lam # me txbk."

"Hv u."



"hU u PoEh?"

"Ok.. Wer u frm?"


"Hu u? Wat's ur # gLobe or TM? Plz...Txtbk!"

paano nga naman aasenso ang Pilipinas nito???

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