Monday, May 7, 2007

Home DSL

Oooh.... 62.6kB/sec on my home DSL which is only rated at 384kbps! Nice....

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Infotext project

Finally, I was able to inform ~ 1100 subscribers about a scheduled power interruption on May 3...

Some of them replied with thanks, some of them are just so darn intellectually challenged and some are just plain rude...

Note that Garbes/Globe sold them the SIM Cards when they paid their bills at our office.

Here are some funny and not so funny responses when I sent an introductory message saying something similar to "This is the SFELAPCO Txtline, we will use it to inform you of scheduled power interruptions, etc.":

"Hus dis pls,dong?"

"Hu u"

"H0w did u trace my #?"

"Cno po cla?"

"Who u bt u lam # me txbk."

"Hv u."



"hU u PoEh?"

"Ok.. Wer u frm?"


"Hu u? Wat's ur # gLobe or TM? Plz...Txtbk!"

paano nga naman aasenso ang Pilipinas nito???

Payment adjustments

Been doing the usual corrections to payments for Soc and Agnes day by day, by day... (Hahaha... reminds me of "Meet The Parents")

Duplicate adjustments

Deleted another set of duplicate artran adjustments originating from LH sub-office. this time acct # 18538

delete from artran where id between 5542400 and 5545235
delete from artran where id between 6515478 and 6515479

then applied the jan ONACT to remaining balance...