Saturday, March 31, 2007

Payments correction

Transferred 5 receipts from March 30, 2007 to March 29, 2007 (wrong date) - for Soc.

Transferred 2 receipts to EPCI-SINDALAN, corrected 1 of them (ornumber) - for Soc.


Last Thursday (March 29, 2007), our Superload trial period ended (I was wondering where the REPLY button disappeared into, HEH!).

So I researched on how to use it on Linux so I can deploy it on our server.

I followed the instructions to a TEE, but BEARERBOX would SEGFAULT after OPENING the device.

After several retries, I tried making the modemtype entry ALL CAPS, because that's how it was written on the modems entry. Surprise, surprise! Now BEARERBOX isn't SEGFAULTing! Bad news, though: it cannot get a response from the iTegno WM-1080+ GSM Modem, even if I configure it on /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 (that's how dmesg reported it).

I tried minicom but it would just hang. I also tried installing a later kannel version than the one apt installed, but it needs a newer libxml2, which in turn needed a whole slew of updates on other dependencies. Boo-hoo-hoo!!!

Now my only option is fixing the communication problem with the GSM modem.

I'll ask on PLUG or maybe Tonton on YM.

iPod still hanging

Aaaaaarrrgh!!! My iPod kept hanging again! Even during restoration! :-( :-(

I borrowed another cable (Firewire+USB) and it still hangs when connected to the PC! :-(

I think I restored it half a dozen times yesterday, and finally, it didn't hang UPON CONNECTION to my workstation. Prior to this, it only connects when in manual DISK MODE (RESET it, then press SELECT and PLAY simultaneously when the Apple logo appears).

I succeeded in copying the latest episodes of 24 and Prison Break, and then all of Heroes Season 1, and some unplayed podcasts. Then it started hanging again when I was copying songs. :-(

I wish I had gone on with my upgrade and SOLD it on eBay last month! :-(

PC Reboots

Last week, we started using SuperLoad and an iTegno WM1080 on a 1-week demo period for our INFOTEXT project.

The computer I installed it on seems to have a hardware problem (probably the hard disk and/or the power supply unit) and it keeps on rebooting (almost daily). I'd leave it on at night and the next morning, it's waiting for a NEW LOGIN to Windows XP. Today, the Event Viewer reported that there are problems on the D partition (which has no files on it). I'm running CHKDSK32 on all partitions now.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

FB sequence numbers

Found 5 new sequence numbers in area 0901. Discovered in horror that DPP was already printing bills without my go signal (!!!). Good thing Rico updated the sequence numbers last night before he left the office (after uploading FB data). He told me he asked Mitch to stick a reminder on the USB flash drive so that he won't forget to update the sequence numbers after uploading.

Well, this morning, after I realized that DPP is as forgetful as they come, I decided to include a CHECK for sequence number discrepancies for each area BEFORE APPLYING bill numbers. Better yet, I think I will not let them load the data IF any discrepancy was found.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Fixing Receivables

Oh, my! I just realized that I can use the artran_history table to SOLVE the Balle problem! See, Balle's account's artran records were so complicated because of the payment-center-adjustment-going-back-and-forth issue that it would literally give me headache and nausea everytime I tried to fix it! So I fixed it once and for all by transferring the problematic records to artran_history. After all, those bills were already FULLY PAID anyway. It was just a matter of applying credits to the proper bills.

Problem solved. Brilliant workaround, eh? I thought so, too. The ledger shows up the same way. Tellers will see only the March 2007 bill on their screens when the consumer pays their bill.

Then I realized that I haven't checked the Statement of Account report. To my chagrin, it shows the unsolved data as they were (as it should)! Aaaaarrrrrgggh!!!

Oh, well, I guess I'll just have to be content in knowing that the tellers will not be seeing the confusing posts anymore. I'll just have to pray that the consumer won't ask for a Statement of Account anytime soon. I promise I'll still try to fix the transferred records.

hanging iPod

Aaaarggghh!! My iPod started hanging a few weeks ago! It would hang when iTunes is copying files onto it. Several websites I found say the same thing: REPLACE THE SYNC CABLE. I tried to find one, but couldn't. The problem re-occurred a few times over the next couple of weeks and then, last Saturday, it wouldn't accept any more movie files (specifically, the latest episodes of 24 and Prison Break).

I had to be able to copy them over because I only watch these TV series episodes on my iPod, so I decided to back up my files and RESTORED the iPod, using ANOTHER PC than that which I usually use with my iPod.

I then proceeded to copy back my music and podcasts, and only the latest TV episodes. So far so good. I ruled out the cable as being the culprit.

After 2 days, the iPod had no more charge, so I recharged it using my cheap China-made wall charger bought from Compex, at home (I don't bring home my sync cable anymore). Then, at the office, the iPod started hanging again when copying files over! I started suspecting my workstation's USB extension cable/USB jack/motherboard. It's either that or the cheap wall CHARGER. But I tried it on the other PC and it worked! So now I think I'll be copying files onto the iPod using the other PC.

More on this later...