Monday, September 10, 2007


When it rains, it pours!!!

At my favorite auction site, I won a scanner last week, and a bottle of perfume today! Plus, I have a new digital camera, which I got just last night! I went to SM and I bought a neoprene carrying case just enough to house the camera unit (a Samsung S730) and 12 extra AA batteries (of course, I bought 8 more Ni-MH AA's to augment my 4 batteries). I also put in a 2GB 150x Apacer SD Card. Man, is it fast!!! :-)

My wife's cousin Bernard was kind enough to promise to give me his 4 Duracell rechargeable AA's before he goes back to the U.S. of A.

Indeed, it pours!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord!!!

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