Wednesday, April 11, 2007

payment correction

Corrections made for Soc:

update payment set payment_date='2007-04-03' where ornumber between '0047904B' and '0047916B' and payment_date='2007-04-02'
update artran set docdate='2007-04-03' where docno between '0047904B' and '0047916B' and docdate='2007-04-02'
update payment set payment_date='2007-04-03' where ornumber between '0050956B' and '0050984B' and payment_date='2007-04-02'
update artran set docdate='2007-04-03' where docno between '0050956B' and '0050984B' and docdate='2007-04-02'
update payment set payment_date='2007-04-03' where ornumber between '0048598B' and '0048605B' and payment_date='2007-04-02'
update artran set docdate='2007-04-03' where docno between '0048598B' and '0048605B' and docdate='2007-04-02'
update payment set payment_date='2007-04-03' where ornumber between '0046289B' and '0046302B' and payment_date='2007-04-02'
update artran set docdate='2007-04-03' where docno between '0046289B' and '0046302B' and docdate='2007-04-02'
update artran set docdate='2007-04-04', user_id=27 where docno IN ('0038833B','0038855B','0038856B','0051651B','0051652B','0051653B','0051654B','0051655B','0051657B')
and user_id=23
update payment set payment_date='2007-04-04', teller_id=27,created_by=27 where ornumber IN ('0038833B','0038855B','0038856B','0051651B','0051652B','0051653B','0051654B','0051655B','0051657B')
and teller_id=23

0050992B less 0.50
0050216B add 279.24
0052499B add 0.56

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